Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chrome doesn't display tamil fonts properly

I have faced a problem when am working with chrome under ubuntu. Browser doesn't display the tamil fonts properly. I solve this by removing "FreeSans" font. You found this file under

Path: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont under this path you will found FreeSans.ttf file just remove it. Now Chrome will display all tamil fonts properly.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Python Documentation

If you installed Python along with documentation. Here is the command to get the list of modules and its functionalities(docs).

pydoc -p <port_number>

Now you can view the documentation with the help of browser by entering the URL as "http://localhost:<port_number>/" the port_number is the number which is mentioned in the command

Example: pydoc -p 8080

For the above command documentation is avail in "http://localhost:8080/" address.